

Come and visit us, you can taste our products.

"The" shop of San Pierino "is located within our company
Here you can taste the latest labels, our products, our extra virgin olive oil and find many handcrafted objects including ceramics, items in olive wood and small wonders of our culture.

Come and visit our shop, where you will find all our products and a selection of wines including Chianti Classico DOCG, IGT Toscano Rosso, IGT Toscana Bianca, IGT Toscana Rosato, bulk wines, Vin Santo, Grappe, extra virgin olive oil, liqueurs.

Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 19:00
Saturda, Friday and Sunday afternoon opening from 15:00 to 19:00

Open on request, always available by e-mail and telephone.
Visits and food and wine tastings by reservation.

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Podere San Pierino Azienda agricola Podere San Pierino Azienda agricola